Yellow Gold Cross Necklace

yellow cross necklace yellow sapphires 18k yellow gold Bez Ambar Los Angeles

Yellow Gold Cross Necklace What a perfect gift to give. A golden-yellow cross with golden-yellow sapphires. We named this cross the Nobel Cross because of its extraordinary symmetry. All the sapphires are squares and are the same size. The warm tone of the yellow gold blends so nicely with the hue of the sapphires. The sapphires have a unique golden-yellow that add …

Why is It Important To Take Care of Diamond Jewelry?

Why is it important to take care of diamond jewelry

  Bez Ambar has been in the jewelry business for the last 35 years. We design and manufacture high-end jewelry. We stand behind our product quality and give our customers a life-time warranty for standard wear and tear.   Over the years we, at Bez Ambar, have noticed that some of the jewelry that we get back for repair look …

5 Carat Diamond Ring

  5 Carat Diamond RingBez Ambar, the inventor of the princess cut diamond, is happy to assist you in procuring the perfect 5 carat diamond for the best prices on the market.Beyond color, clarity, and cut, every center diamond has its own unique characteristics. As a master diamond cutter, Bez Ambar is able find rough stones with the potential to be turned …

Los Angeles Custom Jewelry – Designer Jewelry Store

what is better commercial designer or custom jewelry?

611 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 607, Los Angeles, CA 90017What is the difference between commercial, designer and custom jewelry?Before a guy asks the much awaited question: will you marry me, he has to decide what kind of an engagement ring to buy. This is not an easy decision and the first step before he can make it is to be familiar …

Wide Band Diamond Rings

wide-diamond-eternity -wedding-bands-Blaze-three-rows-pave bez-ambar-los-angeles

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