Engagement Rings With Bands

engagement rings with bands

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How many future brides choose to buy their engagement ring with fitting bands?

I do not really know. What I do know is that at Bez Ambar we have noticed a new trend.

Many of our customers are asking for accompanying bands when they buy their engagement rings.

The reasons vary. Some want to add color to the engagement ring so they buy the patented and colorful Knife-edge bands or the one and two-row Bookend bands. Others prefer to add thin white or colorful eternity bands that they can wear with the engagement ring or alone stacked. Many express the wish to add more bands in the future.
There are also the clients who like to choose their wedding band when they buy their engagement ring. They want to make sure the band fits perfectly should they decide to wear it on the same finger they wear their engagement ring after the wedding.

At Bez Ambar we love this trend and we believe it is here to stay. Engagement ring with bands on both sides is a strong statement.
It adds a lot of chic to the overall look. However, it is important to be careful with the choice because you want the bands to enhance the engagement ring not to overpower it.

Click here to see more engagement rings with bands that enhance the beauty of the ring and supports the center stone.

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