Razny Jewelers

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Genesis Diamonds Nashville

fancy yellow diamond engagement rings

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Pink Diamond Engagement Rings

[vc_row full_width=”” parallax=”” parallax_image=””][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1431231087331{background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][vc_column_inner el_class=”” width=”1/2″][vc_column_text css_animation=”appear”] Pink Diamond Engagement Rings Pink diamonds are very rare, and that is the reason that their prices are so high in comparison to other diamonds. Of course, there are diamond colors that are even more expensive than pink. In this post, we gathered all of the …

5 Carat Diamond Ring

  5 Carat Diamond RingBez Ambar, the inventor of the princess cut diamond, is happy to assist you in procuring the perfect 5 carat diamond for the best prices on the market.Beyond color, clarity, and cut, every center diamond has its own unique characteristics. As a master diamond cutter, Bez Ambar is able find rough stones with the potential to be turned …

In Love? Ready To Propose? Create Perfect Rings


If you’ve found that special someone to propose to and you want an engagement ring as incredible as she is, then Bez Ambar is the designer you’ve been looking for. His one of a kind designs will leave you speechless. The fewer larger facets of his Blaze Cut Diamonds give you more fire and dancing light then ever before. Each …

Design Your Own Diamond Ring – Wedding, Engagement, Fine Jewelry


  Have you spent countless days and nights online or tirelessly driving from store to store in search of your wedding or engagement ring but found nothing unique that delightfully and without a doubt is the perfect ring design for you?! With so many innovative diamond cuts, unique color combinations, and a fully custom ring design experience, there are truly …

Custom Rings – Master Craftsman Create Your Dream Wedding Ring


No local store will ever carry the perfect ring for you. Your dream wedding ring is not sitting on any shelf, it’s awaiting unique creation; the exact size, color and cut is perfect when you work first hand with the Princess Cut inventor, top designer diamond ring artisan Bez Ambar. Each of his unique designs is born of a hand-drawn …